Thursday, April 29, 2010

Driving the Car

At the supermarket, they have shopping carts that have cars attached to them. It is a fun little way to keep your little one occupied while food shopping. The child has fun "driving a car" while you do the necessary tedious shopping for the week. All little kids love the car cart. Joshua is no exception.

When we got to the supermarket, I went to put Joshua in the "regular" shopping cart. Josh resisted and I couldn't figure out why. What kids does not like a little ride in a shopping cart? (The kid who has experienced the ultimate driving machine, that's who. The "car" shopping cart). Joshua carried on that he wanted to go in a "car" and wouldn't get in a regular shopping cart. I was a little annoyed that he was being a pain, but I didn't know what I was in for in the next 10 minutes. (If it were up to me, I wouldn't put him in that car as it is such a pain to maneuver through the store). As we approach the entrance, there is one car shopping cart left. A woman entered about 20 seconds ahead of me and put her son in the last car cart. I tried to explain to Joshua that there weren't any left, and we would have to use a regular cart. Joshua said "no". I knew that I only needed a couple of items, and I thought I could manage if I held his hand and he walked next to me. (Unfortunately, Joshua is a "runner". So, I can't really just have him next to me and ask him to stay by my side. Sigh). I grab Joshua''s hand to go down the first aisle, and Joshua goes into a full-blown temper tantrum. (You know the kind - lying in the middle of the floor screaming and crying. Fun times). I really didn't need the items bad enough, right? So, I walk out of the store with him.

When I get to the car, I attempt to put Joshua in his car seat. Another tantrum brews and he is flailing his arms and legs and doesn't want to go in the car seat. Now, he wants to go food shopping and wants to go in the regular cart. Hey, at least I can get my food shopping done - although it is now 20 minutes later. So, I put Joshua in the regular shopping cart and we proceed back in the grcery store. As we approach the entrance, I spot a car cart. "Please don't see it, please don't see it". I am saying to myself. Yet, Joshua, of course, spots it and is now wanting to go in the car cart. Ok Ok, I gave in! Of course, my 10 minute trip took 45 minutes, but that is what happens when you have a toddler in tow for errands.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Want to Hug Her

I didn't know what to expect when Samantha was born as to how Joshua would act. I assumed he would be jealous of her. So far, so good at 6 months. I don't see any real jealousy issues. I have tried really hard to not say, "Sorry Joshua, you can't do X because I have to do Y for Sami". I don't know if it has worked, but Joshua is really good with Samantha. He is always asking to hug her (or just doing) and kissing her and asking to hold her. It is really cute.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Time for Solids

Getting ready for the big event. Anticipation for what is coming.

Trying to decide whether Sami likes it.

Yes. Another bite, please.

6 Months has come, and it is now time to start Samantha on solids. Today was the big day. Of course, "solids" is a word to be used very loosely. (No pun intended, well - maybe). Solids is basically specially formulated rice cereal mixed with so much breast milk that you are practically feeding her liquid via spoon. Of course, it tastes different, and this is Samantha's introduction to food. Each day, you make it a little thicker. For the first 2 weeks, Samantha will only get the rice cereal. After that, she will start to be introduced to new foods.

Samantha did well with her first feeding. She didn't spit it out too bad, and she seemed to like it. I look forward to introducing her to all kinds of new foods - like pizza!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Little Shoplifter

On Thursday, Joshua, Samantha and I went to a local Mommy and Me event in Rockville. It was at an outdoor shopping center. The different stores in the shopping center participate and have little activities or giveaways for the kiddies. (In the end, it was pretty lame and I am not going to go back to that event).

One of the stores is Hallmark. They were giving balloons to the kids right outside of the store. Of course, I grabbed a balloon for Joshua as he loves balloons. I also needed to buy some cards, so I went inside the store. I bought the cards I needed and walked out. As we are walking down the shopping center, I noticed that Joshua was holding a tealight candle. Ut oh. I didn't buy that for him. I grabbed the candle, walked back to the store and walked up to the woman standing at the outside handing out balloons. I handed her the candle, said I was "sorry" and walked away. It definitely could have been worse. Yet, I can't imagine a store wanting to press charges against a 2 year old.

This is not the first time and certainly not the last time I will be apologizing for my son's wrongdoing.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Samantha's Photo Shoot

A local photographer in the area was looking for a baby model. So, I volunteered Samantha. I thought she was actually looking for baby models for future projects. However, she was just looking for baby models for her own projects. (Honestly, I think it was just a ploy to gain more business). The pictures came out amazing. I wish she wasn't so expensive and then I would buy some. Here are just a sample. I wish that I had rights to these pictures and then I could send them to a baby talent agency. Unfortunately, I don't have rights to the pictures and can't do anything with them. Oh well.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2 1/2 Years Old

Joshua at 2 1/2. Well, this is the only picture I have that is halfway decent from his 2 1/2 year birthday. If you look at our pictures, 90% of them are of Samantha. Joshua refuses to sit still for a picture.

Joshua is gaining some independance and telling us what he wants. Plus, he is telling us that he wants to do it as opposed to us doing it for him. That is great that he is starting to do things by himself, but of course, it takes much longer to complete the task.

We are still seeing the temper tantrums with the terrible twos. They aren't super frequent which is nice, but they are there. Luckily, we aren't seeing any temper tantrums pertaining to his 5 month old sister. Joshua (at this point) seems to really love Samantha. He hasn't shown any real signs of jealousy and he is always hugging her and kissing her, and asking to hold her.

Sleep Through the Night Already!

A full night sleep. That is all I want. 8pm - 6am. Is that too much to ask for? By this time, Joshua was sleeping through the night. In fact, he had been sleeping through the night for several months by now. Samantha won't sleep through the night. No matter what, she is always waking up around 2am. She is hungry, so there is nothing I can do about it. I tried to just rock her. Nope. I tried to change her diaper. Nope. I even tried a few times to wake her up before I went to bed to feed her hoping that would last through the night. Nope. Samantha is starting solids soon, so hopefully that will help.